Do you love agriculture and want to help the environment ?
Do you like helping the natural environment? Do you like being outdoors? , do you like agriculture ?, Naturally! Then a school-based NSW Beekeeping traineeship should be perfect for you. Come along to a showcase day at King Bee Honey, 36 Paynters Siding Road, Narrandera, NSW on Wednesday, 25th September, 2019. Your questions will be answered. There will be hands-on workshops —beekeeping demonstrations from world class beekeepers, find the queen bee, learn about the importance of beekeeping to the natural environment and more. AND … a FREE lunch. BUT … you MUST book, you can’t just show up. For schools, contact jacqueline.spencer1@det.nsw.edu.au or nathan.cooper@industry.nsw.gov.au ( Catholic schools and independent sectors)— For Industry registrations contact Melissa@nswagrifooditab.com.au