Oden Boulter is a success story. In 2017 he participated in a showcase day organised by the NSW Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) for the beekeeping industry in the Central West of NSW. On that day Oden showed enthusiasm and promise and was soon offered a school-based traineeship (SBT) along with his friend Emma Jackson at Goldfield’s Honey in Vittoria NSW.
In 2019, Oden completed his HSC and was top of the class in economics at Bathurst High School. While doing his HSC studies he also completed his Certificate III in Beekeeping including his 120 days of paid work. While doing his traineeship and learning new beekeeping skills Oden had his eye of a bigger prize, that was developing his own business.
Despite having autism and achieving entry into several universities, Oden has decided on a vocational pathway for his career. Over the years he has increased his hive collection and now at the age of 19 years old owns 50 hives. He has now also established his own beekeeping business called Boulter Beekeeping Services. Boulter Beekeeping Services sells hives and provides consultancy services to amateur beekeepers in the Central West of NSW region. Hive Doctor also has several nucleus colonies of bees which he intends to have ready of sale for Spring 2020.
Odens’ beekeeping consultancy services has been assisted by his love of reading. Oden is a big reader, he has expanded his knowledge of beekeeping and other interest such as psychology, economics, history by reading a 500-page book a week.
His beekeeping consultancy and teaching element of his business has provided him with another career option, training. Oden has currently enrolled at TAFE NSW to do a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment to improve his teaching and consultancy skills. One day he hopes to be beekeeping trainer as well-known as his CIII trainer Bruce White OAM who is often referred to as “the godfather” of beekeeping in the industry.
At this ripe old age of 19 Oden can boast several career highlights. One highlight being invited by the Royal Agricultural Society to a special Easter Show luncheon hosted in 2018. This was to highlight the Certificate III Beekeeping as a school-based traineeship and recognition of outstanding achievements. His colleague and friend Emma Jackson were also invited to the lunch.
Odens talents have impressed many in the beekeeping industry. One beekeeper in his area was so impressed by his extensive knowledge and skills has offer to pay for a queen bee insemination course to increase his skills in this area.
The Certificate III in Beekeeping is only available in as a school-based traineeship in NSW. For more information on traineeships, photos and showcase days held by the NSW Agrifood ITAB please visit www. nswagrifooditab.com.au