New 50% School Based Apprenticeship Model (SBA) has started. The NSW Department of Education (Training Services NSW) is currently piloting a new school based apprenticeship model which will allow Year 11 students to make a late decision to undertake a school based apprenticeship and still contribute to 2 units of their Higher School Certificate (HSC).
The pilot is being run in partnership with TAFE NSW and 23 public schools located on the North Coast of NSW and in South Western Sydney. The pilot commenced at the beginning of term 4 2020. Applications from interested students are due to close at the end of term 4 2020.
The baking industry was targeted as one of the participating trade areas for the pilot. The NSW Agrifood ITAB, the Baking Association of Australia ( NSW Branch) and Training Services are working together to make the pilot a success.
For more information on the pilot visit: training.nsw.gov.au/forms_documents/aac/eppp_guidelines_anp.pdf