The NSW Agrifood ITAB has developed a summary of all current funding opportunities for vocational education and training in NSW for the agrifood industries. Funding opportunities include the Smart and Skilled, new Skills Training for Drought affected farmers and businesses, Apprenticeship Network Providers, Trade Support Loans, Australian Apprenticeship Incentives Scheme, Grow Our Own, National Skills Needs Lists, Wage Subsidy Schemes, Jobs of Tomorrow Scholarships, Bert Evans Scholarships and RAS Foundation scholarships to name a few. If you would like a copy of the FREE summary please contact the Executive Officer Melissa Wortman at
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Wool Industry School Based Traineeships Showcase Day
The NSW Agrifood ITAB in partnership with Australian Wool Innovation, and the Shearing Contractors Association will be holding its first ever wool industry school based showcase day in Dubbo on the 19th September 2019. The FREE showcase day will consist of hand on workshops including working dog demonstrations, drafting sheep, wool classing and shearing demonstrations. The day will also have a Q and A workshop attended by key industry leaders who will answer all the hard pressing questions related to the wool industry. The day will also be an opportunity to have lunch and meet shearing contractors who are interested in employing students to do school based traineeships. Places are… Read More
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Showcase Day for school-based NSW Beekeeping traineeships
Do you love agriculture and want to help the environment ? Do you like helping the natural environment? Do you like being outdoors? , do you like agriculture ?, Naturally! Then a school-based NSW Beekeeping traineeship should be perfect for you. Come along to a showcase day at King Bee Honey, 36 Paynters Siding Road, Narrandera, NSW on Wednesday, 25th September, 2019. Your questions will be answered. There will be hands-on workshops —beekeeping demonstrations from world class beekeepers, find the queen bee, learn about the importance of beekeeping to the natural environment and more. AND … a FREE lunch. BUT … you MUST book, you can’t just show up. For… Read More
Continue ReadingAmenity Horticulture Showcase Day a model pathway
An Amenity Horticulture Showcase Day was held at Andreasens Green production nursery at Kemp’s Creek on the 28th February 2019. Attended by over 50 students specifically interested in horticulture and careers advisers. Also in attendance was over 30 key industry stakeholders including LNA Master Landscapers NSW and ACT, Nursery and Garden Industry Association NSW and ACT , the Tree Contractors Association, the Department of Industry Training Services NSW and the NSW Department of Education. The NSW Apprentice of the Year 2017, Jordon Cahill was also in attendance and conducted a hands on workshop for participants. He can be seen here in the middle photo. Thanks Jordon, Promoted widely, schools from… Read More
Continue ReadingMaking Connections Newsletters 4
December 2018 The NSW Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) was delighted to be one of the eleven successful organisations who were given a twelve-month contract to deliver advisory services in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, conversation land management, animal care and management, meat processing, food processing, racing and seafood. The training packages that fall within our remit are: • AHC: Agriculture, Horticulture Conversation Land Management • ACM: Animal Care and Management • AMP: Australian Meat Processing • FBP: Food Processing • RGR: Racing and Breeding • SFI: Seafood Industry The ITAB looks forward to working with our key stakeholder groups to ensure the ongoing strength of the Vocational Education… Read More
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Why become an LNA Master Landscaper Member_thumb from LNA Master Landscapers on Vimeo.
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Why become an LNA Master Landscaper Member_thumb from LNA Master Landscapers on Vimeo.
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Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Making Connections Newsletter The NSW Agrifood ITAB provides industry and the NSW Government with advice on Vocational Education & Training matters in New South Wales. The NSW Agrifood ITAB was delighted to be one of the eleven successful organisations who were given a two-year contract to deliver advisory services in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, conservation land management, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, animal care and management, meat, seafood and racing sectors. The training packages that fall within our remit are: • AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation & Land Management • ACM10 Animal Care & Management • ACM Animal Care and Management • AMP… Read More
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Welcome to the first edition of Making Connections Newsletter for the NSW Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Board August 2017 The NSW Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Board (NSW Agrifood ITAB) was delighted to be one of the eleven successful organisations who were given an eighteen month contract to deliver advisory services in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, conservation land management, animal care and management, food processing, seafood, meat processing and racing. The newly formed ITAB received over 55 letters of support for the tender, thank you to those organisations that supplied a letter. The training packages that fall within our remit are: AHC: Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation Land Management ACM: Animal Care… Read More
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