Additional Part Qualification training places under Skilling for Recovery

Skilling for Recovery is part of a matched funding commitment of almost $320 million between the NSW and Australian government’s JobTrainer Fund. Skilling for Recovery is a key component of the State’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan. The Skilling for Recovery initiative will fund an additional 70,000 part qualification places. The same eligibility categories for full qualifications also apply for part qualifications fee-free part qualification funding. Funding is also available under the Skilling for Recovery Bespoke Skilling Program. The program provides customised workforce skilling solutions for targeted NSW investors and employers to assist them to recruit and train staff. New target groups relevant to the NSW agrifood industries are fibre, grains, production… Read More

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New Funding available for Training

Skilling for Recovery will over additional fee- free training places for eligible students, including funding around 10,000 new full qualification training places for students commencing in the 2020-21 Activity Period. It will also allow eligible students to access fee free places under existing Smart and Skilled funding in 2020-21. Fee- free training in Skilling for Recover priority qualifications will support these most affected by current economic conditions to gain skills in priority and growth industry areas, so they can take advantage of future job opportunities as the economy recovers from the effects of COVID -19. Eligibility for Skilling for Recovery fee- fee training includes: >meet the eligibility criteria for Smart… Read More

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NSW Training Awards Winners 2020

The NSW agrifood industries were victorious at the 2020 NSW Training Awards held by a livestream event on the 9th of October 2020. The Apprentice of the Year and 2020 People’s Choice Apprentice of the Year was won by Joshua Nickhols from Gumnut Patisserie in the Southern Highlands of NSW. Joshua regularly competes in industry competitions achieving Baking Association of Australia’s National Apprentice Pastry Chef of the Year, 2017 Well done Josh ! His win highlights the myriad of career opportunities in the baking industry in NSW. Also showcasing exiting careers in our Conservation Land Management industries was the winner of the 2020 School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year Cassandra… Read More

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New funding for the agriculture industry in NSW

Training Services NSW, as part of the NSW Department of Education has committed $15 million to upskill NSW primary producers across plant-based sectors of the agricultural industry over the next 3 years to 30th June 2023. AgSkilled 2.0 training strategy is now available to NSW primary producers in the plant-based fibre, grains, production horticulture, viticulture and rice growing industries. This part qualification program which will be overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of both government and key industry stakeholders. The NSW Agrifood ITAB has been invited to participate in the Steering Committee to assist in identifying industry relevant training as well as new and emerging skill needs for the sector.… Read More

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NSW Training Funding

More than 100,000 people across NSW will have the opportunity to reskill for the jobs of the future thanks to the NSW Government’s Skilling for Recovery initiative. The NSW Government had committed almost $160 million to match the Federal Government’s JobTrainer Funding, which would be a key component to the State’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan. To access the program factsheet visit : Further information is available at

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Small Business Month Launch

We are excited to announce the upcoming free live webinar with David Koch to officially kick off NSW Small Business Month happening at 10am on Thursday 1 October.  COPY: Join Australia’s leading business commentator David Koch as we talk to business owners, advisors and industry experts in our Small Biz TV webcast at 10am on Thursday 1 October. Explore themes to help NSW businesses reboot, rebuild and recover. They will talk to experts in banking, fintech and digital marketing and small business owners in arts and hospitality. The webcast kicks off a month-long series of activities to support businesses of all kinds and sizes for NSW Small Business Month. Read… Read More

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Infection prevention & control fee-free training

The NSW and Commonwealth Governments have committed a combined $25.5 million to fund fee-free nationally accredited infection prevention and control training. The training will provide workers with the skills they need to better identify and respond to COVID-19 risks in the workplace. It will support implementation of your business’s COVID-19 Safety Plan. The Units of Competency available under the Infection Control Skill Set are from the health training package: HLTSSOOO64: Infection Control Skill Set, HLTSSOOO65: Infection Control Skill Set ( Retail), HLTSSOOO66: Infection Control Skill Set ( Food Handling), and HLTSSOOO67: Infection Control Skill Set ( Transport and Logistics). Training is available across NSW and is delivered by approved Smart… Read More

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Funding for Priority Skills Sets

The NSW Department of Education has revised listing of Priority Skill Sets for funding by the NSW Government. This is in response to drought, bushfire or COVID19 issues in NSW. Funding is available free of charge through the Department in a number of areas. Of particular interest to the agrifood industries are units of competency relating to chemical handing and application, chainsaw training, fencing, re-vegetation, horticulture , manual handling and transport and logistics. Training is under Smart and Skilled and must be delivered by an approved Smart and Skilled training provider. For more information on the full list of priority skill sets please visit: update number 108

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National Agriculture Workforce Strategy

Consultation on the National Agriculture Workforce Strategy is now in play.  The dead line to have your say is now extended to the 4th August 2020.   The aim of the strategy is to put actions in play to attract, retain and up skill the domestic workforce.  These actions will target: school education, vocational education and training and higher education. For more information visit:

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NSW Skills List Applications NOW OPEN

The NSW Department of Education ( Training Services NSW) is now seeking submissions for qualifications to be added to the NSW Smart and Skilled Skills List for 2021. The NSW Skills List identifies the vocational education and training (VET) qualifications that are eligible for a NSW government subsidy under the Smart and Skilled program. Only qualifications that are on the list are able to attract government funding. For more information on qualifications already on the list visit: If your agrifood sector wishes to add a qualification to the skills list please contact the NSW Agrifood ITAB at Applications close on the 3rd July 2020.

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