NSW Agrifood ITAB has received a number of complaints regarding access to the business and employer event on Skills Reform, that was oversubscribed. DESE stated, “it was very popular, and places filled up quickly.” They advised that they are planning to do further events in the future and are encouraging interested stakeholders to visit www.skillsreform.gov.au regularly to see what opportunities may become available. In the interim, they referred to a number of surveys that are open, and replicated below, which they invite participation in, should they be relevant: Make a submission: Provide your views by responding to the Improving industry engagement and reforming qualifications in Vocational Education and Training Discussion… Read More
Continue ReadingNational Productivity Commission Report released
The National Productivity Commission has espoused in its recently released Final report of recommended policies that promote off-the-job training as higher need than competency. It discusses the issue that the VET system should work towards that goal – see report at: https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/skills-workforce-agreement/report
Continue ReadingImproving Industry Engagement in Vocational Education and Training
Have your say A discussion paper and online submission form seeks your feedback on improving industry engagement in vocational education and training. This is the first of many opportunities to provide your feedback, views and thoughts on improving VET. There will be online workshops with stakeholders and pulse surveys on targeted issues occurring throughout the consultation period. Areas for discussion are: Qualification reform – Simplifying, rationalising and streamlining national VET qualifications across industry occupation clusters and the AQF Issues Quality reform – Strengthening quality standards, building RTO capacity for continuous improvement, and developing a VET workforce quality strategy Enhanced industry engagement – Introducing improved industry engagement arrangements Micro-credentials – Developing nationally accredited micro-credentials… Read More
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New Educational Pathways Pilot Program
New 50% School Based Apprenticeship Model (SBA) has started. The NSW Department of Education (Training Services NSW) is currently piloting a new school based apprenticeship model which will allow Year 11 students to make a late decision to undertake a school based apprenticeship and still contribute to 2 units of their Higher School Certificate (HSC). The pilot is being run in partnership with TAFE NSW and 23 public schools located on the North Coast of NSW and in South Western Sydney. The pilot commenced at the beginning of term 4 2020. Applications from interested students are due to close at the end of term 4 2020. The baking industry was… Read More
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New Funding for Mature Workers and Women in Trades
The NSW Government is paving the way for more women and mature workers to take up trades, with a $57.4 million commitment over four years for a new of Trades Skills Pathways Centre in the 2020 – 21 NSW Budget. The Centre will work with registered training organisations to help experienced but unqualified trade workers to attain certification. It will also look at delivering trade training in a flexible way, which would be attractive for many women and mature workers who are often balancing work and family responsibilities. For more information on this please visit:
Continue ReadingSkills List Applications NOW OPEN
The NSW Training Market Design team at Training Services NSW, Education and Skills Reform has circulated a notice of invitation for stakeholders to apply to add a qualifications to the NSW Skills List. The notice states, “The NSW Skills List identifies the vocational education and training (VET) qualifications eligible for a government subsidy under Smart and Skilled. You can view the current Skills List here.” CURRENT NSW SKILLS LIST V11.2 The team is inviting stakeholders with an interest, to complete an online survey as follows: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/nswskillslistadditions Interested parties are encouraged to distribute the link to other stakeholders as they see fit. Applications in any other format will not be accepted.… Read More
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Skilling for Recovery fee-free training
Hundreds of fee-free training courses are now available for school leavers, young people and job seekers, as part of the NSW Government’s Skilling for Recovery initiative. Premier Gladys Berejiklian said these courses come from the $320 million committed to delivering 100,000 fee-free training places across the state. Courses offered will cover a range of agrifood sectors including agriculture, beekeeping, baking, conservation, communication and digital literacy. Full details of the courses on offer as part of Skilling for Recovery is here and the Department of Education Summer Skills program is available here
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Revised NSW Quality Framework is now in effect
New revised NSW Quality Framework for Smart and Skilled is now in effect. The revision is a step towards embedding high performance and quality post training outcomes into the design and management of Smart and Skilled. Smart and Skilled is the NSW Department of Education, Training Services NSW framework in which training providers can train and assess with NSW Government financial assistance. The revised NSW Quality Framework focus training providers attention into 5 key areas for high quality. >Striving for improvement through a student centred approach to the training experience >Providing high level individualised support for students, particularly disadvantaged students >Expanding connection to industry so training is innovative and meets… Read More
The Federal Government’s has announced changes to the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program in terms of amendment to the existing worker requirements. The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) stated in an article written by Anna Patty, “’It’s not open slather now’: new restrictions to prevent apprentice subsidy rorts”, stating “Industry group and vocational training leaders have welcomed the federal government’s decision to restrict access to its new $1 billion scheme to support 100,000 trainees and apprentices after warning it could be rorted. The government said it would tighten eligibility to the scheme after concerns were raised about the risk of training organisations and employers signing up existing employees.” The stated objectives of… Read More
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