In the latest National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) publication, VET in Schools 2020 states, “The number of school students undertaking VET as part of their Senior Secondary Certificate of Education has increased 2.3% in 2020 to 241,200.” Highlights of the 2020 report were: 241,200 VET in Schools students 17,800 school-based apprentices and trainees, representing 7.4% of all VET in Schools students 223,300 students undertaking other VET in Schools programs, representing 92.6% of all VET in Schools students. Compared with 2019 VET in Schools students increased by 2.3%. From 2016 to 2020, VET in Schools students decreased by 0.9%. Tourism, travel, and hospitality continued to be the most popular… Read More

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The National Skills Commission (NSC) has released its most recent report on the analysis it has undertaken on the similarity of qualifications across all Training Packages.  Released on the 23 July 2021, it states, “This paper outlines the methodology used in the exploratory analysis of the similarity of VET courses across and within training packages in Australia. This analysis employed natural language processing to calculate similarity scores for each national VET qualification to all other qualifications across all training packages. Read the methodology paper and explore the searchable dashboard to search for a qualification and see other similar qualifications, ranked in similarity from very high, to high, moderate and low.” Access the… Read More

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NSW Agrifood ITAB changes its name

The NSW Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) has now changed its name to the Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Body. Although the name has changed the mission and vision of the organisation has not. The Agrifood ITAB is still working on new and innovative projects such as BEE FUTURES to assist the agrifood industries with workforce development and skill shortage issues. We are also here to provide advise and help with individual industry projects. For more information on new projects and how we can assist please visit our constantly updated website at You will notice that the Agrifood ITAB’s logo and website address has change however nothing else has….we… Read More

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The National Skills Commission (NSC) has advised that it has released new employment data, which provides trends and current figures for regions and occupations.  NSC states, “the Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation — NERO — is a new experimental dataset developed by the National Skills Commission.” It goes on to explain NERO, a dataset that “provides timely information on employment at detailed levels, including 355 occupations across 88 regions in Australia. Until now, data at this level of detail was only readily available once every five years as part of the ABS Census of Population and Housing. With NERO, the insights are available monthly. As a new source… Read More

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The National Skills Commission (NSC) has released its 2021 Skills Priority List.  The NSC states, “The NSC has responsibility for regularly reviewing the national skills needs of Australia and producing a Skills Priority List (SPL). The SPL provides a current labour market rating and a future demand rating for occupations nationally. Current labour market ratings are available for occupations at a state and territory level. The future demand rating (available nationally) is a proportional measure that expresses the prospects for an occupation relative to that occupation’s size. Shearers, bakers, landscapers, arborists, as well as pet groomers and agricultural consultants are some of the occupations listed as having a national shortage… Read More

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Save the Date: Bee Futures

Are you interested in environmental sustainability, food security and bees? Did you know that 65% of the food that we eat is pollinated by bees? Did you know that there are many different types of bees in Australia, both native bees and European Honey bees? All bees play a vital role in Australia’s ecosystems, biodiversity and maintaining our food security. Do you live in Greater Sydney or the Manning Valley Local Government Area or its surrounds? The Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Body in conjunction with the Cumberland Amateur Beekeepers Association and the NSW Apiarist Association ( Sydney Branch) will host FREE beekeeping workshops for the communities in these regions. Proudly… Read More

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The Federal Budget 2021-22 handed down on the 11th May 2021 by Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP was very promising for vocational education and training. There were a range of initiatives designed to support businesses in the post-COVID economic recovery in the agrifood industries. At the forefront of the coronavirus recovery budget was growth measures. These include, skills, training and apprenticeships with a $2.7 billion allocated to expand the boosting of apprenticeships, tax offsets and the continuation of instant-asset write-off to businesses, the extension of small business loan schemes and a significant allocation of budget to infrastructure and energy investments. Key initiatives in relation to skills, training and apprenticeships… Read More

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Agrifood Industries Role in VET Governance

NCVER News reports on the latest publication on VET governance.  The report states, “Industry representation and governance in the VET sector have undergone several transformations in the past and continue to do so in the present. Social partnerships negotiated between governments, employers, unions, and training providers, where each partner is highly valued and willing to take responsibility for their part, is the key to effective VET governance and, ultimately, improve outcomes for learners. This research summary brings together findings using primarily international country comparisons on industry’s role in VET over the last decade.” URL REPORT: INDUSTRY’S ROLE IN VET GOVERNANCE: USING INTERNATIONAL INSIGHTS TO INFORM NEW PRACTICES

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There are well recognised variances in the pricing states/territories set for VET courses/national qualifications in their respective jurisdictions.  In some instances, the same VET course/qualifications may have a price set of up to 40% lower in one jurisdiction compared to another although the same quality of outcomes is expected to be delivered by an RTO anywhere in Australia.  The lower price may not necessarily be as a result of a lower standard of living in a locality or region.  In fact, the lowest prices setter may have the highest standard of living costs in the country. For example, the Certificate III Agriculture in under the current NSW funding model is… Read More

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School Students Showcase day promoting the benefits of beekeeping

The beekeeping industry is leading the way to showcase exciting career opportunities and the benefits of beekeeping to our community and the food supply chain. Over the last few years the beekeeping industry in partnership with the NSW Agrifood ITAB and supported by NSW Department of Education have hosted showcase days in many parts of regional NSW. These have included Grafton, Alstonville on the North Coast of NSW, Orange/Vittoria in the Central West of NSW and Narranderra in the Riverina of NSW. These showcase day promotions seem even more important especially in the wake of Woolworths current media campaign to show consumers the importance of beekeeping in pollinating food.… Read More

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